‘Jurassic World’ Is Now The Third Highest Grossing Movie Ever

Someone out there, possibly a bored office worker playing hooky, or maybe a teenager who’s been grounded for a month, or probably Jimmy Buffett, became the person who put Jurassic World No. 3 on the all-time box office list. The $1.522 billion Chris Pratt’s dino movie has earned internationally is just above The Avengers‘ $1.520 billion, but far below the top grossers, Avatar ($2.788 billion) and Titanic ($2.186 billion). James Cameron is unstoppable.

Now, these figures don’t adjust for inflation (Jurassic World checks in at No. 28 on the domestic list), but that’s still — BREAKING NEWS — a lot of scratch. Even more impressively, there are already three films released this year in the all-time top six, and that’s before Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Good Dinosaur, a kids movie ($$$) with dinosaurs ($$$$$$), are out.

Studio executives should give out melodicas made of gold as Christmas bonuses.

(Via the Hollywood Reporter)