Kit Harington From ‘Game Of Thrones’ Wants To Make ‘Batman’ Campy Again

When it comes to casting in super hero movies, the Batman films, cartoons, and video games boast the most crowded waiting room. Some would say too crowded, yet Kit Harington (Jon Snow in Game of Thrones) wants in on the action – albeit with less dreariness and more nipples on the batsuit.

Harington thinks Batman films have gotten to be too brooding lately, which is something he would change. “I’d camp him up again….He’s gone way too dark and serious. I’d like proper spandex.”

“Superhero movies got all too serious — they need to get silly again,” Harington added. (Via THR)

Considering Harington’s dark demeanor in GOT, it’s no wonder he wants to go full Adam West on us. Maybe Maisie Williams could tag along as Robin — she has a Burt Ward quality of sorts.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)