On June 30, a 6-year-old girl named Avery Huffman was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. On Avery’s CaringBridge page, which allows “people to easily get updates and offer support and encouragement,” her father wrote that although the “last 3.5 weeks [have been] a nightmare for our family,” there are occasionally days when they’re “just able to forget… the awful battle she’s going through.” The Huffmans had one of those recently, when Kristen Bell left Avery a voicemail in character as Anna from Frozen, one of her favorite movies.
I’ve watched the video of her hearing from Anna/Kristen Bell, around 50 times, just to watch her face light up, and to hear her giggle and see her smile. Seeing it go viral and so many people sharing the same emotions I have when I watch it, I’m constantly reminded that while Avery is going through the worst possible fight anyone should have to, she’s touching so many people’s hearts and her fight and toughness is reaching so many people. (Via)
(Via CaringBridge)