Any of you still complaining about the new Ghostbusters movie ruining your childhood because a bunch of girls will be holding the proton packs this time around? You might want to check in with some of your “macho” idols, because the great Terry Crews has weighed in on Paul Feig’s reboot and it might not make you happy.
While conducting an AMA on Reddit, Crews was asked about his feelings on the new Ghostbusters movie and he was more than happy to answer. No really, he was more than happy — he was psyched:
OH! I LOVE KRISTEN! And you know what? First of all, as a card-carrying feminist, I am a BIG feminist, anytime I see women being stars – the stars that they should be, and being featured, and being highlighted, it makes my heart happy.
Because it’s long overdue. Women are great, and funny, and amazing, and smarter than men – for real! – and it’s a reboot that needs to happen. There are SO many good things about that, what can I say? It’s going to be a HIT. And GO LADIES! I’m with you! I can’t wait to make the premiere!
Seriously, whose side do you want to be on after reading that? Terry Crews or Donald Trump? Because that’s how it all works out.
In case you forgot, Crews had a small part in Bridesmaids, which starred new Ghostbusters Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy and was also directed by Paul Feig. Surely this means that a part for Crews can be squeezed in somewhere! Cameo by his Brooklyn Nine-Nine character, Sgt. Terry Jeffords, maybe?
But The Mary Sue also points out Crews’ feminist cred; he’s dead serious about it, even uses the “f-word,” as he mentioned above. Last year, he released his autobiography which was all about being a feminist and has even compared misogynists to the Taliban. And shockingly, none of that cancels out his seven-year career playing linebacker and defensive end in the NFL, his stint as the brusque specimen of masculinity in the Old Spice commercials, or his tenure as President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Go ahead — tell this guy the mean girls took your toys away:
Yeah, I thought so. ::drops mic::
Via The Mary Sue