Tom Cruise And Doug Liman Had A Bizarre ‘Refrigerator Conflict’ On The ‘Mena’ Set

"Edge Of Tomorrow" New York Premiere
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Movie stars. They’re just like you and me.

Anyone who ever had a roommate and shared a fridge now knows exactly what it’s like to be Tom Cruise, or at least his Edge of Tomorrow and Mena director Doug Liman.

Seems Cruise, Liman and screenwriter Gary Spinelli were sharing an apartment — just like that two-family around the corner from campus that you lived in during your junior year of college — while filming Mena, about a pilot who “lands work for the CIA and as a drug runner in the south during the ’80s” as per IMDB. The trio each got a floor of the house to himself and made use of a communal kitchen, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

But just as it was when your annoying roomie used to come home drunk and devour your leftovers, your Doritos, your milk, what have you, there were, ahem, “refrigerator conflicts” in the shared space among the three.

THR doesn’t get into specifics beyond noting that Cruise “follows a much more strictly healthy diet than Liman and Spinelli.” Which is probably code for Liman and Spinelli getting wasted and housing some of Cruise’s quinoa and soy milk.

Really takes you back, doesn’t it?

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)