Slayer Guitarist Gary Holt Wore A ‘Kill The Kardashians’ Shirt In Concert

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Making jokes about the Kardashians is about as easy as quoting Borat. If you’re gonna say something about America’s most emblematic family, you need to step your game up, like, um, wearing a shirt that threatens to murder them? That’s what Slayer’s Gary Holt did this week.

Tuesday night at the Paramount in Long Island, New York, was a black tee affair as fans of Slayer slinked into the 1,500-capacity venue for a scorching lesson in classic American thrash metal by the band that helped birth the genre. But one shirt stood out: that of guitarist Gary Holt, which read “Kill the Kardashians.”

Gwar sees Slayer’s shirt, and raises them by literally killing the Kardashians.

(Via Billboard)