Sports are dangerous, and sometimes people get hurt playing them. Very rarely does it get people fired. However, that’s exactly what happened when Justin Bieber visited the hospital for a groin injury after taking a hit between the legs playing soccer.
While Bieber has been in the news for having his private parts exposed earlier this week, an employee at Northwell Health, the hospital he went to get checked out, may have been planning a different kind of exposure, and is now suing the hospital for wrongful termination.
TMZ reported that, after taking one to the boys while playing soccer, Bieber did some online research on WebMd and worried he might have testicular torsion as a result. The Purpose singer went to get checked out accordingly, but was advised that his bits were just swollen and was sent home.
However, one inquisitive staffer, Kelly Lombardo, heard a rumor that he’d been admitted due to an STD. The hospital claims that she illegally accessed his patient file to find out, and fired her without much ado (one of the reasons you have to sign all that privacy paperwork is for occasions like this — Lombardo could have leaked this info to the press for a huge payday). Lombardo contends she only heard the rumor, but did not access the file, and filed a wrongful termination suit against the hospital with the New York Division of Human Rights, claiming she was singled out and fired because she’s a woman.
In the meantime, Justin Bieber is still keeping up his athletic endeavors, pushing DJ Khaled to play hockey with him before giving appearing on Grateful, and appearing in celebrity basketball games here and there.