“The Voices In My Head” is a quirky new radio show set to premiere on February 18 with Beats 1 on Apple Music, selectively curated by performance artist and rapper, Princess Nokia. On the show, Princess Nokia, born Destiny Frasqueri, invites listeners to get acquainted with the inner workings of her mind, putting us on her own favorite music and providing eloquent social commentary, all while tying in deeply personal anecdotes.
Princess Nokia’s track record makes her fiery passion for empowerment and justice clear. Frasqueri herself is a self-proclaimed “Nuyorican,” a play on her New York City upbringing and Puerto Rican heritage. She’s also one of the founders of Smart Girl Club, a collective of podcasts and workshops that seeks to build a safe community between women, focusing heavily on topics like urban feminism.
The first season of “The Voices In My Head” kicks off with an episode dedicated to commemorating all things emo and pop-punk, genres that were especially formative in shaping Princess Nokia’s artistry and development as a woman. The episode is called “Your Eyes Are Bleeding,” and it includes music from Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Blink-182, and the like.
Tune in to “The Voices In My Head” this weekend to join Princess Nokia’s journey through a whole gamut of genres and ideas.