Some of us (myself included) look forward all year to the annual Thanksgiving gorging. This is the one holiday were the munchies are encouraged, and a table full of potatoes, casseroles, pies, and bread can’t come soon enough. Snoop Dogg, who is no stranger to the munchies, did a good thing in the days leading up the best holiday of all time. The rapper was spotted handing out turkeys in Inglewood to many families in need.
Now, we can make all sorts of jokes about Snoop’s holidays lighting up so much that they catch fire, but Snoop got serious here. He put the blunt down for a few hours and did his part to help bring 1,500 turkeys to families who would otherwise go without. This is the second year Snoop has stepped up to pay the turkeys forward, but his presence boosted the annual turkey giveaway from last year’s 800 tally to nearly double the amount.
Inglewood mayor James Butts revealed how Snoop was a joy to all those who encountered him. Snoop wanted to “get involved in giving back to the community” (where his production studio is a pretty big deal), and he posed with hundreds of individuals during the turkey hustle.
A photo op with a bonus turkey? This lady was thrilled.
(Via NBC Los Angeles)