Watch This Dancer’s Tears Of Joy Flow After He Shares That He’s Touring With Taylor Swift To His Mom

There’s nothing like delivering some news to your mom that’s joyous enough to start a spontaneous cry session. That’s what happened when dancer and choreographer Robert Green dialed his mother to tell her that he’d be joining Taylor Swift on her “1989” world tour. The North Carolina native was fresh as a daisy, waking up with his hair still tied as he moved to share the fateful moment.

As his recorded video spread all over the web, many inspired fans reached out to congratulate him, including Taylor Swift who sent him a personal shout-out, impressed by his enthusiasm to work with her.


That heartfelt connection between a mother and her son is irreplaceable, no matter the level of success, but Green’s journey is here for us all to admire. She even tells him proudly, “This is just the beginning.”

Aww, I guess Ms. Green got her Mother’s Day gift a few weeks early.

(Via Robert Green/Buzzfeed)