Remember when Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald discovered evidence Donald Trump “[purchased] his steel and aluminum from Chinese manufacturers rather than United States corporations based in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin” in two recent construction projects? Hillary Clinton (or at least one of her advisers) does, as the Democratic nominee made sure to remind her Republican rival about his business practices.
“In my apartment today,” Trump told the crowd in Las Vegas, “in a very beautiful hotel down the street known as…”
Whichever Vegas-based Trump property the real estate mogul was referring to may never be known, as Clinton cut in with a big grin on her face and an expertly delivered line: “Made with Chinese steel!” She even threw in a faint appearance of the famous first debate “shimmy,” made famous by the internet and Ellen DeGeneres.
Not even the debate crowd, despite moderator Chris Wallace’s repeated warnings, was able to resist laughing at Clinton’s timely zinger. Meanwhile, Trump tried not to turn a redder shade of red and continued on with his meandering thoughts about her campaign’s “false ads” against him. Largely those having to do with his cavalier attitude toward nuclear weapons, the many sexual harassment allegations levied against him, or both.