Joanie Laurer, better known to the world at large as Chyna, passed away one year ago today. In the months prior to her death, she had been releasing a series of strange videos, and there was a documentary crew following her around.
It looks like the documentary has been completed, or is on its way to being completed, as Angra Media released the first full trailer for the upcoming film on Thursday, the anniversary of her death.
The subject matter was always going to be very intense and tricky, and it looks like it might be a documentary that may be very hard to watch, emotionally. The trailer seems to try to walk a line between respectful, investigative, and exploitative, but we’ll have to hold our final judgments of the work until we can see the movie for ourselves.
Among the personalities that Angra has enlisted for the documentary are her former fiancé Sean “X-Pac” Waltman and WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley. Foley, by the way, also took the time today to take to his own Facebook page and reflect on the one-year anniversary of Chyna’s passing.
There is an official Facebook page for the movie, but there does not appear to be any sort of official release date as of yet.