If you’re like me, you’ve been enjoying Brandon Stroud’s look back at the early days of TNA wrestling right here on this very website. And, if you’re like me, reliving the glory days of Jeff Jarrett hitting everyone with guitars has left you with one inescapable thought — “Man, I need a drink.”
Well, thanks to Impact Wrestling and the friend who came to my New Year’s Party and inexplicably brought a bottle of blue curacao, we are in luck. I present to you The Atomic Drop — the official cocktail of Impact Wrestling.

First created to promote Impact Wrestling’s Bound For Glory taping in Canada, the Atomic Drop is the alcoholic equivalent of being dropped taint-first on someone’s knee. They didn’t provide a recipe, so I had to figure that out on my own.
The Atomic Drop
3/4 oz. Gin
3/4 oz. Silver Tequila
3/4 oz. Light Rum
3/4 oz. Blue Curacao
One small lime, freshly squeezed
Lemon-lime soda to fill

First Sip:
This is an overbooked mess of a drink. There is no real flavor, other than “sweet” and “booze”. It isn’t entirely unlike an Adios Mother F*cker, which, coincidentally, is also what I said to Impact Wrestling right around the time Hogan and Bischoff showed up. I don’t know if I can finish this. Maybe doing this at 9 a.m. was a mistake?
Half Finished:
Starting to feel pretty good. For a while, TNA was most lauded for its Knockouts division, and this would fit right in. Because it can knock you out, I mean. Does that make sense? Should have had breakfast first.
Three-Quarters Finished:
Last Sip:
I actually enjoyed that quite a bit. A good metaphor for TNA/Impact Wrestling as a whole. It started off not great, but eventually ended up being pretty enjoyable. All in all, I give the Atomic Drop a 6 (-sided ring) out of 10.