What Bob Costas Said About This Cubs Reliever Is Just Downright Mean

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Bob Costas has been doing play-by-play for sporting events for a long time. In that time, he has established himself as a consummate professional, someone who will call a game straight and rarely veer from describing the action on the field.

That’s what made his comment about Cubs reliever Pedro Strop so unexpected. Costas called Friday’s game between the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals, and after Strop gave up a 2-1 lead because of a pretty rough outing in relief – 0.1 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 1 HR on 18 pitches (seven strikes) – Costas decided to lay the hammer down on the right hander. The full video is above, but here’s what he said:

“It’s not [Cubs pitching coach Chris] Bosio this time, it’s [Cubs manager Joe] Maddon, and that means a change. [Reliever Jason] Motte is on his way in. Strop is on his way out, pointing toward the heavens. We can only ask or wonder that he is asking some departed relative for forgiveness for this atrocious performance.”

We shouldn’t be surprised if Costas issues an apology at some point in the near future.

[via Deadspin]