A Picture Of Three ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Together On-Set Has The Internet Buzzing

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We’ve mentioned before that HBO’s Game of Thrones has hit the point where pretty much everything happening on-set and off is making it to the internet. Audition videos, script segments, and set photos have gone from a trickle to a veritable flood. So, if you don’t want to be potentially spoiled for season six of the show, your best bet is to stop clicking on headlines like the one above.

But because you did click it, I’m gonna assume you’re cool with whatever spoilers come your way. We’re all consenting adults here, so let’s take a look at the latest potentially huge show moment revealed by a set photo. We can’t actually show you the photo in question on this site due to the litigious ways of European paparazzi, but you can see it here. What it shows is Daenerys Targaryen, Margaery Tyrell, and Cersei Lannister… together, in King’s Landing. In costume.

The implication, of course, is that Daenerys will make it across the Narrow Sea this season and meet up with the other two queens in the capitol of Westeros. This isn’t the first time a set photo has revealed a shocking plot point like this before the season began. Last year, we learned Tyrion was definitely teaming up with Dany when shots of the two at the slave pits of Meereen leaked.

Those pictures were from the finale of season five, which is important to note when considering this story. Many people have dismissed this picture, saying the three are probably together for a magazine photo shoot. They also note that Daenerys’ plotline (as revealed in more leaked photos) has her roaming the Dothraki Sea this season. That may be, but very little is stopping her from hopping a dragon to King’s Landing by the end of the season.

Game of Thrones is coming to an end soon; showrunners and HBO execs have the series pegged at eight seasons. With so much needing to happen, could Dany wrap up season six by finally returning to her homeland? She could. Or this is all just part of a photoshoot for Variety Fair. With all these spoilers coming out, it’s kinda nice not knowing for sure what’s going to happen next.

(Via Oh No They Didn’t)

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