Not the bees! AHHHHHHH Ahgarbulagabah my eyes! my eyes! AHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHhhhurgh!
Coors Field and the Colorado Rockies were overrun by a swarm of bees during Thursday afternoon’s game against the Arizona Diamondbacks, and because used “Coors Field was buzzing” and “bee-lieve it” puns in the first two sentences of their report, I’ll let them handle the recap:
In the fifth inning, a swarm of bees staked claim to a post in a camera well near the Rockies’ dugout. The sudden invasion by the winged creatures sent Rockies players scurrying to the opposite end of the dugout.
The game was halted briefly when Diamondbacks first-base coach Eric Young Sr. was forced away from his position, and photographers and TV cameramen fled the bees. The players never left the diamond.
Here’s the video, if you’re into plague footage:
My favorite part is the idea that jabbing a vacuum nozzle into a wad of bees and sucking them through a hose isn’t going to hurt them. If you push a bee hard enough with your finger its legs fall off and it stings you until it dies. Actually, no, I take it back, my favorite part of the video is how a random bee-keeping dude just HAPPENED to be at Coors Field that night. A bee-keeper is in the house when thousands of bees descend upon the stadium and cause chaos? That’s some pretty obvious supervillain sh*t right there. Send Batman after this guy. Or Will Rhymes, whoever’s available.
[h/t to Fark Sports]