CBA Coach Shot In Eye During Robbery, But That Wasn’t The Worst Part Of His Week

The best inspirational sports stories are the ones that take a sharp turn, right at the end.

A 77-year-old liquor store owner is in critical, but stable, condition at University Hospital after police say he was shot in the eye during an armed robbery Wednesday night.

The victim — Thomas Dotterer – not only owns the liquor store, he is also a baseball coach at Christian Brothers Academy and a member of the Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame.

Earlier, police mistakenly told NewsChannel 9 that Dotterer was listed in serious condition. (via News Channel 9)

How great is that? The guy gets shot in the eye and the info that he’s “in serious condition” is a mistake.

Listening to him talk is wonderful. He speaks candidly about the value of optimism, how all things happen for a reason and how to deal with such a violent, life-altering moment of cruelty. Then, in maybe the best swerve in local interview history, a guy who has a bruised, bandaged hole in his face reveals that BEING SHOT IN THE HEAD WITH A GUN AT HIS FAMILY’S LIQUOR STORE wasn’t the worst thing that happened to him this week.

I’ll let you discover that for yourself. Video is below.

Me too, Thomas. Me too.

[h/t to Billy Breyer]