Jewish Hockey Player Suing Anaheim Ducks

The Anaheim Ducks are currently sitting in fifth place in the Western Conference, and their affiliate teams are helping them out by calling up players when they’re injured and getting them caught in their racist lawsuits. Wait, what?

Jason Bailey, 23, is seeking unspecified damages in the action filed in Orange County (California) Superior Court against the Ducks, the Bakersfield Condors and coaches Martin Raymond and Mark Pederson.

According to the complaint, Bailey endured “a barrage of anti-Semitic, offensive and degrading verbal attacks regarding his Jewish faith” from Raymond, head coach of the Condors. Raymond, according to the lawsuit, would say, “they (referring to Jews) ‘only care about money and who’s who.’ ”

It also claims that Raymond said “he never wanted his son to be raised Jewish or to wear a yarmulke.”

Assistant head coach Pederson made anti-Semitic remarks about Bailey, the suit alleges, including, “well, I don’t know if we can trust him with the money; he’s Jewish.”-CNN.

It doesn’t say if they made any jokes about the book of greatest Jewish athletes actually being the size of a pamphlet. I also didn’t see any jokes about throwing gefilte fish on the ice if Bailey scored. Come on; if you’re going to go that far, you might as well go all the way. Anaheim Ducks? More like Anaheim Schmucks!

Via the great Andrew Bucholtz.