Morning Links: Wizard World Austin, Gina Carano’s Womb, More

This is what happens when you get excited about meeting a Power Ranger.


Funny, Sexy And Austin Cosplay Of The Week: The Best of Wizard World – Relive my hilarious/awesome/unnerving weekend at Austin Convention Center, asking people if I could take a picture of their costume. It’s my Gamma Squad debut (and probably the only thing they’ll ever let me write), so please don’t miss it. [Gamma Squad]

Frank Miller Is A Delusional, Curmudgeonly Old A-Hole – I’m with Vince on the “you’re a delusional asshole” parts, but not on the “your comics are bad” part or especially the “The Spirit was bad” part. The Spirit is so good and I’m living in an empty universe of people who agree. [Film Drunk]

ACW: An Appreciation – The best part of Wizard World for me was loitering around the Anarchy Championship Wrestling table and bothering the wrestlers. To the immediate right of this is my favorite wrestler in the world, Portia Perez, finger-painting something for me. My heart is on fire. [The Wrestling Blog]

Jay-Z Hails As GQ Magazine’s “King Of The Year” – I’m sure this will do wonders for his ego. [Smoking Section]

Don’t Worry Guys, Gina Wasn’t Pregnant – Whew! Now I just need to make sure Phoenix from American Gladiators hasn’t gotten pregnant and we’re straight. I’m going to go see your bad movie, Gina! [Cage Potato]

R.I.P. The Fake ‘Jack & Jill’ Twitter Account – I really wanted that EXCOOLSIVE ringtone. :( [UPROXX]

Football Guys: Mark Sanchez Comes Of Age – Jon uses his football version of The Dugout to make an extended joke about Mark Sanchez looking like Kevin Arnold in his Jets jacket. The kind of thing you should click and fawn over immediately. [SB Nation]

Coonskin Cap Witness: Florida or Ohio? – The best part of a coonskin cap is that we still call it “coonskin”, instead of just “stupid raccoon hat”. I think when you get to the point where you’re saying “I want to wear something’s entire body as a hat” you’re f**ked. [Warming Glow]

A Very Young Stephen Colbert In FirsTier Bank Commercial – His career lasted longer than that bank’s. [Buzzfeed]

10 Reasons Life in Skyrim Will Be Better Than Real Life – You know what I hate about real life? Not being able to stop every five seconds and scroll through a huge menu of options, then leave the menu, hit a button, then go right back to the menu. [Adult Swim]

The Men Who Camped Out for Twilight: A Photo Essay – The Greatest Generation. [FARK]

Remembering Eddie Guerrero – The “Hurt” video loses its emotional impact now that we see Chris Benoit and Vickie Guerrero as different people, but still, losing Eddie was the worst and we shouldn’t ever forget how great he was. [The John Report]