Not Exaggerated: Miesha Tate Will Shoot Herself If Ronda Rousey Armbars Her Again

Miesha Tate gets a rematch against UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey at December’s UFC 168. If you don’t remember what happened the last time they fought, here’s a reminder.

Warning: This video is graphic, and is more or less the WMMA equivalent of Bo Jackson breaking a bat over his knee.

That armbar sent a message to Miesha Tate, and she made it clear in an interview with Bleacher Report: You would rather die than have to be in that move again. Literally die. Correct use of “literally.”

“It’s never too early to train and practice that gameplan over and over and over, I’m going to beat it into my skull if I have to,” Tate said. “Swear to God, she’s not going to armbar me if it’s the last thing I do. I will seriously shoot myself in the face before I leave that cage if she armbars me again. It can’t happen.”

Admittedly, it’d be pretty bad-ass to see Miesha bring a gun into the cage and have Ronda still armbar her. It’d be like every fight Gina Carano’s had in a movie ever.

The Rousey/Tate beef is an interesting one, because it starts with sex hypocrisy, extends into naked photoshoot hypocrisy (here’s Miesha Tate naked in ESPN’s Body Issue, in case you missed it) and ends in threats of gun suicide. So … December will be interesting.

If you need more armbar hype, here’s a lady who’d rather die than feel it again explaining its signature power:

As far as the gameplan, Miesha explained that Rousey’s judo and trademark move that’s stopped all seven women that she’s faced requires special training. That’s something she’s planning on focusing in on right away.

“Everyone thinks it’s an armbar, it’s not. It’s like a move of it’s own,” said Tate.

Miesha, here’s my advice: bring that gun, and bring a lot of extra arms.

[h/t to Cage Potato]