There’s been a growing buzz lately about Ronda Rousey’s return. It’s happening soon … not too soon. Not in November for the UFC’s big New York City debut soon. But end of the year soon. But considering UFC president Dana White and his execs have been trumpeting Ronda’s eventual comeback since basically the day after she got KTFO by Holly Holm, can we really believe their hype now about a return on December 30 for UFC 207?
ESPN decided to go ask someone outside the promotion what was up: Ronda Rousey’s coach, Edmond Tarverdyan. Here’s what he told them.
“There have been talks about her coming back, but we haven’t made a final decision yet,” he said. “There’s a chance she fights to get her belt back this year, but nothing is set yet. If we do make a comeback this year, we will. If not we will make it next year. We want to thank all our fans for being patient.”
“When she does come back, we promise the best Ronda Rousey that anyone has ever seen.”
Well, that’s not very committal at all. In the article, Tarverdyan confirms that Rousey has been back to regular training for over a month now, and it’s three months until UFC 207, more than enough time for a solid training camp. So what exactly could be holding things up? What decision or determination is there to make that couldn’t have been made by now? It’s unexplained indecisiveness like this that has everyone in the mixed martial arts community questioning Rousey’s will to keep competing.