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The Tennessee Titans lost to the Chargers 43-35 in San Diego on Sunday. It was a fun game, as the Chargers jumped to a 16-0 lead, but the Titans rallied to take a 21-19 lead. Marcus Mariota was bad at the end there, and the Titans lost. If you came a long way to see your favorite team lose, it was probably very crushing.
Titans left tackle Taylor Lewan understood that, so when he saw a little kid in the stands crying as he was leaving the field, he walked over to offer some condolences for being born into a fan base that’s been absorbing losses like this for years. You can’t hear what Lewan is saying, but it may have been along the lines of, “I’m sorry, little man. We let you down. You can’t hear me? That’s probably because this grown-ass man is screaming at me while I’m trying to have a moment with you. I said a grown-ass man is … you know what, here’s a hat. I gotta go.”
That dude screaming the word “baby” over and over probably didn’t help calm the kid’s nerves, either. Why can’t a kid go see a movie that’s rated R, but they can go see a football game? He can’t see “Any Given Sunday,” but he can go watch the NFL on any given Sunday? Really makes you think.