Behold, The Yao Ming Golf Swing

“Yao Ming being adorable” is up near the top of the things With Leather loves most, somewhere between Phillie Phanatic human interest stories and Kate Upton outtakes. And while nothing could ever replace Yao Ming holding a panda in our hearts, the Yao Ming golf swing is coming awfully close.

Everything about it is beautiful. The swing itself. The way he just stares at the ball after he misses it, then holds his hand out like he can’t believe what the ball just did. The plainly-stated YouTube description, with an explanation for what’s happening:

Yao starts a new career in golf in his retirement. He is so tall and it is a little hard for him to play well in golf.

The helpful advice from the 30,000 people in his on-course entourage. His sad little blooper shot when he finally makes contact. It’s the first golf video I’ve ever wanted to hug.

I hope his friend’s advice was, “try playing a sport where the ball isn’t so close to the ground”.

[h/t to Shane Bacon at CBS Sports]