Here’s the first trailer for Netflix’s new animated comedy BoJack Horseman, which features the voices of Will Arnett as a horse and Aaron Paul as his human sidekick. Oh, and the horse is a former sitcom star from the 90s who is washed-up and drinking his way through Hollywood now. And Aaron Paul’s character looks suspiciously like Jesse Pinkman, right down to the stubble, beanie, and zip-up hoodie. And the show also features the voices of Amy Sedaris, Paul F. Tompkins, and Alison Brie. And Alison Brie’s character is a human who appears to be dating a very cool, giant dog who wears sunglasses and V-neck t-shirts. And there’s a pelican bartender. And he’s wearing a bow tie. Here, look.
What I’m saying is that, while I have no idea if the show will be any good, it looks pretty damn incredible on paper. All 12 episodes of BoJack Horseman debut on August 22. Mark your calendars.