The ‘Big Bang Theory’ Contract Negotiations Have Now Delayed The Start Of Season 8

Well, it appears the Big Bang Theory contract negotiations have officially gotten serious.

“Due to ongoing contract negotiations, production on The Big Bang Theory — which was originally scheduled to begin today — has been postponed,” Warner Bros. TV, which produces The Big Bang Theory, said in a statement. [E!]

Now, for fans of this show, when I say “serious,” please don’t misinterpret that as “concerning.” As Variety notes, the only thing that’s been shut down so far is one (1) table read, which can easily be made-up or done without . The deal is still almost definitely getting done in plenty of time for the show to premiere on schedule. To quote CBS near-top banana Nina Tassler, “We’re feeling very confident that everything will work out, These deals manage to get done miraculously somehow year after year.”

So there’s that. But if, somehow, against the odds, the contract negotiations do drag on into the fall and delay the first few episodes, allow me to offer a suggestion to fans of The Big Bang Theory: Watch Parks & Rec on Netflix a lot. It’s a much better show. I promise.