Earlier today, former-SNL cast member Bill Hader (that feels wrong to type) spoke to Howard Stern on his Howard 100 radio show about what life’s like as an unemployed man without a Studio 8H to call his own. Stern’s a big fan of Hader — he once said that “Puppet Class” is one of SNL‘s all-time great sketches — but he did admit that he was surprised how funny Justin Timberlake was during his March episode. Hader sang JT’s praises, too, saying, “He’s great…Also, guy doesn’t show up with anybody. It’s just him.” Unlike a certain other pop star named Justin.
Justin Bieber showed up with like 20 guys. And every time, backstage is a very small constructed place, he had a guy holding a slice of pizza, a guy holding a Diet Coke. You were trying to fight around all these people to get dressed. Timberlake, it was just him. He’s a real class act, that guy.
Hader is such a nice, normal guy that even his trash talking is modest. I’d love for him to go on a verbal rampage, throwing terrible hosts under the bus. “Ashton Kutcher tried to have sex with that llama we keep backstage and Tom Brady used one of Lorne’s suits as toilet paper, even though we bought him the fancy stuff, and Gwyneth Paltrow, well, she was the worst of all. She gave the writers the idea for The Californians. We hated it, too.”