No round of Emmy nominations is going to be perfect, but to anyone who watched Bob Odenkirk’s heartbreaking performance as Saul Goodman in the inaugural season of Better Call Saul, its safe to say they got that one right. This is also Odenkirk’s first nomination, despite having appeared in four seasons of Breaking Bad (three as part of the main cast) and four helming Mr. Show, so it’s also safe to say that he’s pretty stoked about the news.
Entertainment Weekly caught up with Odenkirk following the news this morning, and he reacted fairly reasonably by screaming into the phone:
Once he finishes yelling, Odenkirk expresses his surprise at the news (with actual words, thankfully). “Of course, everybody on every show is like, ‘We should get nominated! We’re doing great work!’” he tells EW. “Everybody’s working hard on every show on TV, and so to be picked out is a real surprise to me because I know everyone’s giving it their all.”
Odenkirk went on to say that the only time he’s attended the Emmy awards in the past was as a date to his wife, who’s a high profile entertainment manager in Hollywood:
“She’s the one who’s been there with purpose. And I’ve been there as just arm candy,” he said. “Now it’s my turn to have a reason to be there!”
Really, though? Despite never having been nominated, AMC couldn’t even score him an invite to the Emmys? Maybe he was joking, because I find that somewhat difficult to believe. At any rate, he’s up against some stiff competition, but hopefully he’ll never be this guy again. So sad.