Bryan Cranston’s First TV Appearance Was As A Bisexual Cheating Husband On Lifetime

Shut it down, people. The day can go nowhere but down from here. This is a video of Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston’s first television appearance, in which he plays the bisexual husband of a tormented pregnant woman on an old Lifetime show titled Crisis Counselor. Here are some things you need to know:

  • Cranston’s character, Sam, had an affair with a man while he was on a business trip.
  • His mother-in-law is purse-clutchingly upset about it. (Please note her reaction at 6:50.)
  • The counselor, who is attempting to manage a crisis, at one point says “I don’t want too many graphic details here, but, uh, how did [the affair] come out?,” which is like one or two steps removed from just making an icky face. Very professional.
  • His wife discovered the affair because he left some pictures lying around.
  • Things get HEATED.
  • If the budget of this show was more than $300 I will eat the shirt I am currently wearing. Lifetime has come a long way from this to “I’m untouchable, bitch.” Congratulations are in order.

Anyway, between this video and the clip of Aaron Paul on The Price Is Right from the mid ’90s, it’s been a banner week for Breaking Bad-related before they were stars videos. I can only hope this means a video will surface in the next few days of pre-Mr. Show Bob Odenkirk wearing a goofy wig on public access TV, or Anna Gunn hawking used cars in a crappy local commercial. Start digging, Internet.

Vulture via Reddit