After Daniel Tosh ripped the network a new one on his Comedy Central show, claiming ESPN stole his “Web Redemption” series and changed the title to the “Awesome Video Segment,” the sports channel is firing back, basically telling TMZ Sports they aren’t sorry and they won’t be cancelling the bit. For anyone who hasn’t seen Tosh take on the network in a rant that happened on his show Tuesday night, the comedian’s main issue with ESPN happened after the network aired a clip featuring Mark Donnelly, the guy who busted it while singing the national anthem and skating around a hockey rink. ESPN gave him another chance to get it right, even snatching Tosh’s catchphrase “Are you ready to give it another shot?”
But according to the network, the fact that their new series closely mirrors Tosh’s long running segment is merely a coincidence. After denying plagiarizing Tosh’s ideas, they addressed the catchphrase issue:
This was more of an instance of us using a common phrase than it was copying his wording. We know that doesn’t sound like the strongest explanation yet it’s the truth. We are looking forward to ‘giving it another shot’ in future installments of ‘The Awesome Video Segment.’
Are you buying it?
(Via TMZ Sports)