Netflix Taps Kate McKinnon To Be This Generation’s Ms. Frizzle For Their ‘Magic School Bus’ Reboot

We’re an awfully spoiled bunch to be able to enjoy Kate McKinnon every week on Saturday Night Live. At the risk of getting paranoid and greedy… CHERISH IT NOW! This comedy godsend isn’t going to be on the program forever. (Kenan’s got that gig.) McKinnon’s growing platter of projects now includes a special role brought to life by another comedy luminary.

Kate McKinnon has been tapped as the new Ms. Frizzle for Netflix’s long discussed Magic School Bus reboot. For those unfamiliar with the Magic School Bus saga, this will be a “reimagining” of the children’s book series which birthed the TV show way back when we all weren’t so old and moldy. Ms. Frizzle is the enthusiastic teacher that brings kids along on exhilarating or often F*CKING HORRIFYING educational journeys, previously voiced by Lily Tomlin. McKinnon’s zest for diving into a role and going all-out should pair up nicely with the update.

The Magic School Bus Rides Again doesn’t yet occupy a piece of Netflix scheduling real estate, so there’s no new landing date set for the next generation’s The Frizz to debut. Even if it’s book fair fare, it’s not hard to imagine nostalgia and the promise of Kate McKinnon drawing an audience beyond moppets. If stoners fail to gravitate towards this project, we will eat all of our hats.

(Via Variety)