Get Ready For ‘Kingpin’ Piper On The Next Season Of ‘Orange Is The New Black’

Our return to Litchfield is fast approaching, as the fourth season of Orange Is The New Black drops on June 17. When we last saw our favorite inmates, there had been a mass breakout and a huge influx of new prisoners. Tensions ran high, as they always do, and from the looks of the latest trailer for the upcoming season, things are not letting up in the slightest.

During season three, we saw Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) rise to the top of a pantie smuggling ring, only to have all of her ill-gotten gains stolen by her girlfriend, Stella (Ruby Rose). Piper showed her ruthless streak by ratting out Stella and getting her sent to max, and from the sound of things, Piper is taking her “business acumen” to the next, possibly violent, level. While on a Paley Center panel with her costars, The Hollywood Reporter says that Schilling explained the state of Piper in season four:

“She’s becoming a little bit of a kingpin and has this swagger. But the feeling I always have about Piper Chapman is that she tries on everything like a piece of clothing — she doesn’t quite fit the jacket, but she tries it on. And I love that about her.”

“With what we just shot, man,” she iterated. “[Piper] just keeps trying on different clothes — they don’t all fit.”

Piper has certainly evolved from the spoiled “Taylor Swift” of season one, and her (and the rest of Litchfield’s finest) evolution will most likely continue to be Must See TV.

For more info on Orange Is The New Black and the rest of the summer television line up, check out Uproxx’s Summer Television Preview here.

(Via THR)