With 18 seasons, 257 episodes, an Academy Award-nominated movie, and a second turn-based RPG on the way, Matt Stone and Trey Parker have done the unthinkable by keeping South Park around this long. At E3, the duo announced South Park: The Fractured But Whole as the follow-up to The Stick of Truth, which of course went through a series of frustrating delays and seemed like it was destined to be the video game that would never be released. Citing the lessons they learned from making that fun adventure through a small Colorado town (and beyond), Stone and Parker seem truly excited about what The Fractured But Whole will offer fans, or at least they simply love the title.
In an interview with IGN’s Ryan McCaffrey for Podcast Unlocked, Stone and Parker also talked about the fate of their vulgar animated empire, as plenty of people would love to know when South Park’s day will finally come to an end. Surely they’d love to move on to other ideas, right?
McCaffrey: How do you guys feel about doing the show? Do you think you’ll keep going after the current deal is up?
Parker: Every season, about three shows in, we say this should be the last season. Then we go away for a couple months and we’re like, “That was pretty good, let’s do it again.”
McCaffrey: Have you thought about what the last episode of South Park would be?
Parker: I think it’s gonna end with a fizzle for sure. We’re gonna go, “F*ck this, man” and walk away.
Stone: Some sort of a whimper. Either drop the mic, get sued, get thrown off cable television…
Parker: We’ve thought that for 18 years, “They’re gonna cancel us for sure.” We’re waiting to get canceled for 18 f*cking years.
Stone: We won’t stop until we get canceled. We’re renewing. They have to f*cking cancel us, goddammit!
They also revealed that they’d “love to” make a Book of Mormon film at some point, but they haven’t talked about it that much yet. Hopefully they’ll get Josh Gad for it. I hear he’s great in Book of Mormon.
(Via ign)