[Spoilers for the Game of Thrones series finale, but also, c’mon]
Remember when Bran Stark was crowned king during the Game of Thrones series finale? That was weird. The unlikely rise from a “broken thing” to the Three-Eyed Raven to leading the freaking Six Kingdoms was quite the arc, one that even caught Isaac Hempstead Wright off guard. “When I got to the [Dragonpit scene] in the last episode, and they’re like, ‘What about Bran?’ I had to get up and pace around the room,” the actor told Entertainment Weekly. “I genuinely thought it was a joke script and that [showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss] sent to everyone a script where their own character ends up on the Iron Throne.” Nope! It’s Bran up there… which would haven’t been possible without one character that wasn’t even mentioned in the final episode.
Meera Reed’s last appearance on Game of Thrones was midway through season seven when all she wanted was a simple “thank you” from Bran for all the sacrifices she, her brother Jojen, Hodor, and Summer made to get him safely back to Winterfell. His response: “I’m not really, not anymore. I remember what it felt like to be Brandon Stark, but I remember so much else now.”
What a jerk. Bran was able to muster enough enthusiasm for Theon to call him a “good man” for briefly distracting the Night King (the same Theon who pretended to kill Bran and Rickon, mind you), but not for the hero who dragged him through snowy countless miles on a sled. Bran — and everyone else on Game of Thrones — might have forgotten about Meera, but the internet hasn’t.
Tyrion: Bran knew he would never walk again, so he learned to fly
Meera Reed: pic.twitter.com/f7kqgscBc6
— Lydia Bugg (@YouKnowLydia) May 20, 2019
Meera Reed opening up the newspaper the next morning pic.twitter.com/1FtaMnJQrY
— Joe Cirio (@joecirio) May 20, 2019
"Why do you think I CAME all this way?"
Meera Reed, Hodor and everyone else who carried Bran's ass since season 1:#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/vHupuVazvQ
— Deni (@Denyy_B) May 20, 2019
D&D revived Edmure Tully, Robyn Arryn and introduced a random ass Dornish Prince for the #GOTSeasonFinale, but didn’t even give a nod to Meera Reed, who is all but responsible for Bran being alive. pic.twitter.com/gzEeeg3cAP
— Prop Joe (@coolstory_joe) May 20, 2019
tyrion was praising bran for surviving beyond the wall when meera reed was the actual reason he made it alive. and this girl not only never got a proper sincere "thank you" but also was never even mentioned again and we don't know if she survived, eye
— ellie (@odairannies) May 20, 2019
Meera Reed finding out she spent seasons protecting the future king, lost her brother for him, & who’s father is the only living witness that Jon is Aegon….only to be an irrelevant character in the end lol pic.twitter.com/vSUMhqA6Nm
— Alta 🇩🇴 (@AltaMuzik) May 20, 2019
RIP to Meera Reed. Who dragged Bran's ass throughout the seasons and didn't even get a fucking cameo in the final episode. Edmure Tully got one….Meera did not lolololol
— RedTeamReview ✪ (@RedTeamReview) May 20, 2019
cool how meera reed risked her life and lost her brother (aside from the fact that her father saved ned stark's life, which led to baby jon snow being saved) just to do all that shit for bran and the game of thrones writers just totally forget about her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) May 20, 2019
I hope Meera is relaxing on a beach, eating all the frogs she wants.