MTV Is Doing A Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser Featuring The Cast Of ‘Jersey Shore’

Following the lead of networks like NBC and ABC, MTV has decided to produce their own Hurricane Sandy special. The one-hour special will be titled “Restore the Shore,” and will attempt to raise funds for the ravaged New Jersey town of Seaside Heights. If “Seaside Heights” rings a bell for those of you who don’t live in the NY/NJ/PA area, it’s because it was the location for most of the seasons of Jersey Shore. So GUESS WHO IS RUNNING POINT ON THE FUNDRAISING EFFORTS.

The effort will include a live one-hour special featuring the Jersey Shore cast along with other celebrity guests encouraging viewers to aid New Jersey relief efforts. […]

The “Restore the Shore” special airs live on Thursday, Nov. 15 from MTV’s Times Square Studio. Viewers will be encouraged to donate online or via text message during and after the event. Architecture for Humanity intends to work with the Borough of Seaside Heights to award rebuilding grants to local contractors, similar to its relief efforts in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. [EW]

Now, it would be easy for me to make fun of this. So very, very easy. I could just point and laugh and be all “HAHA HAVEN’T THE VICTIMS OF THE HURRICANE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?,” and then I could click publish and move right along with my day. But I am not going to do that. Not yet at least. People up and down the New Jersey coast are in need of supplies and funds just as much as those in the other areas affected by the storm, if not more, so to whatever extent parading these goons out and pointing a camera at them will help with that, I am all for it. There is still one more season of Jersey Shore left, and talk shows continue to bend over backwards to have members of the cast come on to blabber about their new line of wristbands or smoothies or whatever, so there will be plenty of other opportunities to mock them in the near future. I can wait.