Norman Reedus Teases More Daryl And Carol Moments On ‘The Walking Dead’ This Season

Since the last new episode of The Walking Dead in March, Norman Reedus has added to his breast implant collection, shot SNL‘s Pete Davidson in the chest, crashed a college course, confirmed that Silent Hills is no more, revealed he saved some dude’s life, and denied reports that he’s dating former co-star Emily Kinney. All in all, not a bad way to spend a couple of months, but now Reedus is back to doing what he does best: Licking people, probably, but also dropping vague hints about what to expect on The Walking Dead.

From an interview with Entertainment Weekly:

I don’t know if tongue-in-cheek is the right way to describe it, but there’s a creepy humor flavor that [director Greg Nicotero] sort of throws in there sometimes, and he’s the only one that understands it or knows what he’s going for. There are super beautiful elements to his zombies, but sometimes there’s a little something funny in there that just he knows and nobody else knows — or major comic-book fans or major zombie fans. There’s one particularly beautiful, gruesome zombie — he’s got a lot of green moss on him.​ But when you see that episode — it’s in episode 6, I think, that particular zombie — something happens, and it harks back to a Daryl and Carol moment. I’m going to let you just guess what that could be, but there are Easter eggs in some of those zombies, so you’ll see it in episode 6. (Via)

I’m going to guess whatever the “something” is, it will inspire a million Tumblr GIFs. Also, when asked about new cast members, Reedus replied, “Ethan Embry is awesome on the show. I know him from Empire Records,” which is totally disrespectful to his role as Rusty in National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation. Everyone’s favorite Vacation movie.

(Via EW)