After cleaning house a couple of months back and firing Jenny McCarthy and Sheri Shepard, then bringing aboard Rosie O’Donnell (to the dismay of Elizabeth Hasselback), The View has finally found its two new co-hosts, eleven days from the beginning of its next season.
Rosie Perez and Nicolle Wallace will be coming aboard a week from Monday. Most folks know Rosie Perez, dating back to turns in White Men Can’t Jump and Do the Right Thing, but more recently, that Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode where she got seriously injured and sued the series. She, uh, can be very annoying in her movie and television roles, but I’m assuming she will be less so on The View.
Wallace is not as big a surprise as Perez, as she screen tested last month and has been a leading contender for the conservative seat on The View for a while. Wallace is the former communications director for George W. Bush. She’s guest hosted the show several times.
And that, folks, is probably the last you’ll hear of The View on Uproxx until one of the hosts says something stupid (my money is on Rosie O’Donnell), or a celebrity says something stupid while talking to the hosts.
Source: Deadline