As you may already know, Cartoon Network aired a one-off Powerpuff Girls special earlier this year called The Powerpuff Girls: Dance Pantsed, leaving many to wonder of the fate of the 1998 series. Personally, as a big fan of the original series, I went into the special in full Get Off My Lawn mode, due to the updated animation style and overall angular new look and feel — only to be pleasantly surprised. (My husband, not so much, but that guy doesn’t like anything.)
Well, I’ve got some great news for those of you who felt similarly, because it seems the special was well received enough that Cartoon Network is giving it another go, with a brand new series coming out in 2016! Variety reports:
“The original ‘Powerpuff Girls’ was a franchise phenomenon for Cartoon Network, paving the way for a new generation of innovative storytellers and enthusiastic fans worldwide,” said Rob Sorcher, chief content officer, Cartoon Network. “We are calling these girls back into action based upon an overwhelming demand for sugar, spice and Chemical X.”
“As the original ambassador of ‘girl power,’ The Powerpuff Girls brand continues to resonate with people of all ages and there is tremendous excitement around introducing Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup to a new generation,” said Pete Yoder, vice president of consumer products for North America, Cartoon Network Enterprises. “With proven success and great content plans in place, there’s so much potential that we’re looking forward to explore with our licensing partners in the coming weeks.”
What’s especially cool about this is that I have two nieces who will be five and seven-years-old in 2016, so they’ll be at the perfect age to be watching. As if there’s any age too perfect for watching The Powerpuff Girls. I was in college when the series first aired and I was still obsessed with it, even going to see the movie (in the theater!) when it came out as I was solidly in my 20’s
If you missed it, here’s the trailer for Dance Pantsed, which featured a voice cameo by Ringo Starr: