Alex Jones’ InfoWars Empire Has Raked In An Absurd Amount Of Money (Despite Making Constant Pleas For Donations)

Alex Jones recently lost a lawsuit concerning his misinformation about Sandy Hook parents and mass shootings. He’s also acted like a jilted lover over Trump’s support of vaccines and claimed that he was “in fear for his life” after his wife attacked him over alleged infidelity.

All of that adds up to one giant bowl of messiness, and that doesn’t even touch how he decided to plead the 5th Amendment because he wanted to avoid “spend[ing] the rest of my life in prison” for telling lies under oath. And lately, he’s been asking for donations on his Infowars show, which isn’t exactly new, but the calls seem more dire. As Huffington Post reports, however, Jones is raking in a lot of cash by selling supplements and other, uh, equipment. To the tune of $165 million in sales over three years.

“As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills,” Jones told a caller on Thursday during a segment on his radio show promoting the Infowars store. “I’m not going to stop growth and let them push us backwards. I need your help, Frank. I need your help!”

Despite his pleas for money, Infowars’ store — where Jones sells an amalgamation of dietary supplements and survival gear — made $165 million in sales from September 2015 to the end of 2018, according to court filings related to a lawsuit Jones recently lost over his lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre.

That would buy a whole lot of chili, which Jones has admitted that he enjoys. Sure, he’s almost certainly full of legal bills over the Sandy Hook lawsuit, but on-air, he’s framing it as “[t]he enemy wants to cut off our funding to destroy us.” That’s what he declared in 2018, and he added, “If you don’t fund us, we’ll be shut down.” But if it’s working for him to raise money in such a manner, then, well, it’s working for Infowars.

(Via Huff Post)