Kim Kardashian Is Getting Dragged For Complaining To Jack In The Box’s Social Media Account

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It’s not uncommon for people to go on Twitter to complain about a business or a service. Some people even do it to said business or service’s official Twitter account. Delta whimsically lost your luggage? Go on social media and shame them into finding it. Is it any different when a celebrity does it? Well, perhaps it’s different if said celebrity is Kim Kardashian.

The professional celebrity and possible future lawyer took to Twitter Monday with what was essentially the loudest “I’d like to speak to your manager” charge in history.

“Hey, Jack In The Box I have a serious complaint but I won’t fully put you on blast, check your corporate email inbox or send me a DM with direct person for my team to contact,” she tweeted, before adding, “Pronto!”

The Jack in the Box social media staffer took that “pronto” to heart, replying within a mere 24 minutes. Alas, they were unable to complete her order, saying they couldn’t DM her.

So Kardashian shamed them publicly.

“I would like to add that this is not about me or a wrong order,” she replied, before revealing her important plaint: “Nobody recognized me and it’s something that I observed that affected other customers at this particular location that was concerning.”

Indeed. Others were concerned, too, starting with that strangest social media trend: corporate mega-brands with personal-sounding tweets.

There were, of course, digs from real people who aren’t representing fast food calorie bombers.