It’s no secret that rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert loves guns. Still, she rants about (and stumbles upon, and creates unintentional comedy from) so many other subjects that some of her attempted maneuvers slip through the cracks.
Back in February, for example, Boebert introduced a bill that showcased her fixation with the Second Amendment. This actually shouldn’t be too surprising, given that Boebert recently posed with a t-shirt that jokingly (?) renamed guns as “hole punchers,” and that “humor” didn’t go over well, especially amid a fresh wave of U.S. mass shootings. Still, Boebert is triggered by criticism of her gun-filled Christmas photos, and she wants to enshrine the AR-15 as the “national gun.” Really!
In response, a constituent tore Boebert a new one in a letter published by both the Aspen Daily News and the Denver Post, posted below in part:
“An AR–15 style rifle chambered in a .223 Remington round or a 5.56x45mm NATO round is hereby declared to be the National Gun of the United States.”
The bolded quote above is the entire text of H.R. 1095, a bill introduced in Congress on Feb. 17 and cosponsored by our congresswoman, Lauren Boebert. One of her co-sponsors on the bill is none other than George Santos, the congressman who faked virtually every aspect of his life. Is this a cruel joke?
The AR-15 assault rifle Boebert wants to make our “National Gun” is a weapon of war. Its bullets are designed to tear human flesh to pieces by “yawing”, tumbling or fragmenting in the body, thereby causing maximum internal bleeding and tissue damage. I am a Vietnam War vet, and the M-16s we carried there were an offshoot of the AR-15. The Army always told us it was the best rifle in the world because of how efficiently it killed “the enemy”.
You can read the rest of the letter here, and that bill is truly bonkers stuff. Yet it seems characteristic for the owner of former restaurant Shooter’s Grill because Boebert even encouraged staff to open carry while… waiting tables.
(Via Aspen Daily News & Denver Post)