After essentially dropping $30 million of his own money on a private, three mile long border wall in Texas, frequent Fox News contributor and Trump supporter Tommy Fisher is kind of hoping maybe the Biden administration or a wealthy patriot will pick up the tab for what he calls the “Lamborghini” of border walls.
According to a lengthy profile, Fisher initially got tied up in Steve Bannon‘s We Build the Wall organization, which ended up being an alleged fraud that routinely ripped off donors and landed Bannon in hot water until Trump gave him a pardon. In Fisher’s defense, he cut ties with the group when he learned of their shady dealings, but that didn’t stop him from pouring his own money into his three-mile chunk of wall.
“I was like: ‘This would be really fun. This would be a project that would be remembered, like the Hoover Dam,'” Fisher told Bloomberg. “Today the Hoover Dam is the cheapest electricity you can find in the U.S.—anywhere. And, you know, they took a lot of heat, too.”
By heat, Fisher is not only referring to the controversy regarding building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico — Fisher’s project was referred to as a racist “scam” — but also, the fact that his construction was plagued by structural problems and environmental issues. Making matters worse, Fisher expected the Trump administration to have a second term and take the wall off his hands. Obviously, that didn’t happen, and the Biden administration has already shown that it’s not in the wall-building business. We’re also guessing Mexico won’t pick up the tab either.
When asked what he’ll do if he can’t find a buyer for his wall, Fisher told Bloomberg, “Worst-case scenario. I protected 3 miles of the southern border.” (You can literally walk around the side of it.)
(Via Bloomberg)