To the surprise of pretty much no one, Donald Trump‘s social media company is not doing so great. In an extremely on-brand move, Truth Social has reportedly stiffed its web hosting company to the tune of $1.6 million. In fairness, the former president’s social media platform initially made its first three payments, but then after that, it did what its boss does best and completely ghosted when it came time for the bill.
Via Fox Business:
In October, RightForge announced it entered into an agreement to host Truth Social, which Trump helped create after he was banned by Twitter following the Jan. 6 riots. RightForge now contends that Truth Social has reneged on its contractually obligated monthly payments for setting up the platform’s web-servicing infrastructure, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter.
RightForge is reportedly threatening legal action, but it’s going to have to get into a very long line. Truth Social is already under investigation by the Feds, and it just took another significant hit from the US Patent and Trademark Office, which shut down the social media site’s application to trademark its name.
According to Insider, the patent office found the name Truth Social to be “confusingly similar” to other platforms like Vero – True Social and the Christian radio station Truth Network. In a nutshell, there are just way too many platforms out there with the word “truth” in them, and Trump probably should’ve chosen something more original. The former president’s social media company has until February 2023 to appeal the decision, but it seems like he has much larger problems on his tiny hands.
(Via Fox Business, Insider)