Bristol Palin keeps a (sort of) low profile for a member of the knock-down, drag-out, booze-soaked Palin clan. We occasionally see her rip into pop stars for a “lack of tolerance” of conservative Christian values. Bristol has done some reality television over the years, but her life as a single mother of 8-year-old Tripp is mostly low key (until it isn’t).
In June 2015, Bristol revealed she was with child for the second time. The circumstances around the pregnancy were murky. Bristol didn’t name the father of her child, but only expressed how “this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family.” Adding to the mystery was Bristol’s split with her fiancé, Marine and Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer, about a week prior (and only days before their scheduled wedding). When Bristol revealed her impending second round as an unwed mother, she was allegedly three months pregnant. She asked for privacy and an absence of lectures. She said all would be well “because God is merciful.”
Bristol’s apprehension stemmed from the judgy crowd, of which she is a part, who believe premarital sex is wrong. She’s come forward in the past to advocate for celibacy until marriage, which doesn’t look so great when one pops up pregnant (twice) out of wedlock. Furthermore, Bristol did not name Dakota as the child’s father. This omission caused a giant Twitter fight between Geraldo Rivera and Dan Savage. Mass chaos! And all because of one steamy night.
Do people truly care about Bristol’s womb? Yes, they apparently do, and there’s a giant conspiracy theory to prove as much. Bristol’s given pregnancy timeline would have folks believe she became impregnated in March by Dakota. This information was supported by her looking pretty dang pregnant near a Christmas tree in November.
On December 23, Sailor Grace Palin was born in Alaska.
Bristol does not mention Dakota (or anyone) in the photo’s caption. Well, the crazy conspiracy theory digs deep into Bristol’s timeline and comes up with the notion that Dakota is not the father. Part of the sketchiness revolves around Dakota and Bristol only getting engaged in March 2015 for a May wedding. Presumably, March was the time of conception, but said theory attempts to prove that Bristol became pregnant in January (during a wild night in Vegas). It’s bizarre and unbelievable, but so is the Palin family. Here’s one excerpt from the theory:
However, there was a problem. In February 2015, Bristol posted two photos to her Instagram page. One photo showed Bristol, father Todd, mother Sarah, BFF Marina Lupas, and several other people in the lobby of an Italian restaurant in Las Vegas. Accompanying that photo was a selfie of Bristol and Marina taken in a ladies’ restroom in Vegas. They were dressed to party — very short black dresses, with the front cut down to there. Accompanying the selfie was a comment by Bristol: “The night before I made the worst mistake of my life.” Clearly what she meant was that she and Marina went out bar-hopping in Vegas, were picked up by one or more Vegas lounge lizards, and Bristol ended up pregnant from a one-night stand.
From there, the theory throws out times, dates, photos of blankets (that somehow “prove” Bristol did not give birth in Alaska), and other details that paint a hidden November birth. All of this is bolstered by Bristol’s strategic media silence and long-running habit of posting old photos to Instagram. Now, why would Camp Palin lie, and who would benefit from Bristol making people believe that Dakota is the baby’s father? The conspiracy theory holds that Bristol and Dakota’s quickie engagement was launched to further Sarah Palin’s hopeful return to politics. A happy ending for a single mom, perhaps? Only the engagement didn’t last.
Now, here’s the rub. If successful, the plan would place Bristol as an abandoned, single mom of two, but that isn’t quite the case. According to TMZ, Dakota stepped up on Tuesday and filed legal papers to establish paternity. Dakota wants joint legal and physical custody of Sailor, and he’s reportedly seeking child support, too. Dakota caption his photo with zest: “I couldn’t be more proud of this little blessing.”
Sarah Palin would like the world to know she’s very suspicious of Dakota’s motives. Sarah marched right over to Entertainment Tonight and with a mama bear smackdown:
“For many months, we have been trying to reach out to Dakota Meyer and he has wanted nothing to do with either Bristol’s pregnancy or the baby … My values are such that a real American hero doesn’t ask for child support.”
Bristol hasn’t said anything about the custody filing or any conspiracy theory. She has, however, posted target practice photos.