No One Had More Fun At The Super Bowl Than Chrissy Teigen

Tom Brady won his record-breaking fifth Super Bowl as the handsome, supermodel-marrying quarterback of the New England Patriots in the most dramatic way possible, but someone in Houston had an even better time on Sunday night than he did. That would be Chrissy Teigen, who watched the game with her husband and jazz-fusion icon John Legend in NRG Stadium. Unlike Brady, who, y’know, had to play football, Teigen was free to get tipsy.

And by tipsy, I mean, the night ended with her sitting down on an escalator, asking “who’s f*cking tonight?” while cackling like a crazy person. Been there.

Teigen started off strong — “6 hot dogs before projectile vomiting last year. Let’s see how much I’ve grown,” she wrote in the late-afternoon — and only got stronger. After a drink (or six), Teigen tweeted, “hi Houston, New Yorker here, it’s actually pronounced house-ton I’m drunk,” before adding, “oh my god there is a street in New York pronounced House-ton and everyone says Houston and New Yorkers love correcting people AHHHHHHH.” Then, to prove she and Legend were actually there, came the videos and photos.

Safe to say, those nachos probably won’t be in Teigen’s next cookbook. She’ll be too busy focusing on her next career as a play-by-play commentator.

In the game’s second half, Fox showed viewers at home all the celebrities in attendance, including Mark Wahlberg, Elton John, and Teigen, who accidentally brought #NippleGate back to Houston (vaguely NSFW?).

Rather than be unnecessarily embarrassed by something 99.8% of onlookers didn’t notice, Teigen owned it and made the next Best Live Action Short Film.

An Oscar is much cooler than a Super Bowl ring, anyway.

(Via Twitter)