Eric Trump Allegedly Stole Lemonade From In-N-Out And The Internet Is Rightly Roasting Him For It

The Trump family has weathered scandal after horrifying scandal this election season. And while it’s the lead Trump — Donald, the great and terrifying pumpkin himself — that’s leading the charge, his least favorite son (assumption and speculation, okay?) Eric may just be the one to bring this whole campaign down.

You see, despite the fact that the Trump family is very, very rich, they are also very, very down to earth, what with all their eating KFC on private planes and talking about how a one million dollar loan is actually the same thing as “starting from nothing.” And of all of them, Eric — the one that bumbles around looking like a bargain brand vampire as he defends his brother’s ridiculous thoughts on Syrian refugees — seems to love being just a “normal, regular guy” the most. Well, at least that’s what the below picture, which shows Eric with a cup full of lemonade he didn’t pay for, suggests.

The picture was taken after Wednesday night’s debate, and while no one could blame Eric for needing a drink after watching his father burn his campaign to the ground, people sure wished that the guy who has enough money to buy and sell any number of In-N-Out franchises would have just paid for his cup of Minute Maid instead of just treating himself to it for free.

According to Eater, Eric Trump is worth about $150 million, so it’s not like the guy couldn’t afford his own. But, you know, maybe’s he’s just living out all of our childhood fantasies of being king of the world — you know, the ones in which we imagined that one day we would all be rich and powerful enough to do whatever we wanted and take all the things that our parents wouldn’t give us for free.

There’s been no word yet from the Trump camp on how they’re going to deal with this developing situation (my suggestion is to just lock him back up in his basement cell and keep bringing him blood offerings on the full moon like everyone was doing before this campaign started) but we’ll certainly update you as events warrant.

It’s possible, of course, that the second creepiest Trump was just paying tribute to SNL’s “Lemonade” skit, which saw Cecily Strong doing Melania’s version of Beyonce’s hit, but in a perfect world, Eric Trump’s theft would be prosecuted in the same way the kid who was hit with a felony for filling a water cup with soda was earlier this year.

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