Jared Leto is edgy. We know that. We get it. As a nation and world, we accept Jared Leto and his eccentricities. We also know playing the Joker in Suicide Squad “changed” Jared Leto forever, so it’s best to treat the Academy Award-winner with some space while he figures stuff out. Leto has fully immersed himself as the Joker, only to finally come out on the other side with some sort of dark, decompression illness (probably). So it’s only natural that we see the method actor’s life bleed somewhat into the Joker’s weird existence. Or maybe the Joker bleeds into Leto’s life. It’s hard to say. Either way, weird guy!
But nothing exemplified Leto’s whole persona better than a meme that emerged this week, showing his joyous reaction to a green, elfish Gucci coat. It’s the origin story behind his appearance at the Suicide Squad premiere, and it’s utterly wonderful.
Unfortunately, Leto had to ruin his perfectly good meme with an explanation:
“The thing about the photo is — I’m going to be honest with you — I was actually making a face at someone across the runway. I have that feeling with most things [Gucci] makes because they make such beautiful things. But I was actually goofing off with a friend, and you can’t actually tell from the picture.” He also added, “Sorry to ruin your meme. Perception versus reality.”
But, was he making a face to someone across the runway because the Gucci jacket was so beautiful? Was the reaction in earnest or not, Jared? Please explain your explanation! You’ve admitted the pictures are real, so is the meme ruined or enhanced?
This type of mind game is truly Joker-esque.
(Via EW)