A Guy Got Busted Trying To Recruit Porn Stars At A County Fair

Based on my childhood memories of the Fresno County Fair, there are worse places you could try to recruit porn stars than a county fair, and that seems to have been the thought process of one particularly enterprising and unsubtle alleged porn producer in Alameda County recently, who got busted trying to recruit a 16-year-old. Oops.

Sheriff’s deputies arrested 34-year-old Aaron Gimbert Sunday after undercover officers say he passed out business cards to teenagers. KTVU spoke with the mother and daughter who reported the solicitation to authorities.

The TV report says they “nabbed him in a sting operation.” That’s impressive work, Sheriffs. It must take a real supercop to find a pervert at a county fair.

While Carrie Blake turned to get water with her son Saturday, a man approached her 16-year-old daughter.

They said he handed Justice a card that says “Big Pimpin Inc. Be a Star.” The card also offered a signing bonus for an 18th birthday contract.

It does sort of undercut any claims of running a legit business when your company’s name is an overt reference to prostitution.

“He like asked if I was 18 and I was like no I’m 16, and he kind of thought about it, and he was like call me when you turn 18,” said Justice.

Not to play perv’s advocate here, but isn’t that essentially what military recruiters do?

The county’s sexual assault felony enforcement team investigated the alleged situation. They saw Gimbert hand out several more cards and he’s now in custody, according to authorities with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office.

Justice said Gimbert was wearing a fair employee shirt. Fair management says he’s not a full time fair employee, which are given background checks.

“He said I’d be a good porn star, that makes me just feel sick,” said Justice. [KTVU]

Oh, I don’t know, Justice. You’re hanging out at the county fair, you say “like” so much they included it in a news transcript, and you’re named after a common noun. I’m not exactly getting a definitely-not-going-to-become-a-porn-star vibe just yet. In any case, impersonating a county fair employee is a crime we take very seriously around these parts and I hope they throw the book at this son of a bitch. No one cheapens what it means to be a carney and gets away with it.

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