Bret Hart Had To Cancel A Raw 25 Appearance, And Here’s Why

Via @brethitmanhart

Monday night’s WWE Raw 25 anniversary show was stacked with appearances by WWE Legends who helped make Raw the company’s flagship television program for two and a half decades. Vince McMahon himself kicked off the show, Stone Cold handed out some stunners, DX reunited again — heck, even Undertaker was there. One of the biggest names from some of the show’s biggest moments was noticeably absent, however.

Raw and WWE wouldn’t be what it is today without Superstar Bret Hart, who unfortunately had to miss the celebrations in New York. Instead, Bret celebrated Bret (and his sassy nineties midriff) when he paid long-distance tribute via his Instagram:

I’m sorry I’m not there for #Raw25. I wish I was able to make it. I know I’ve had my fair share of memorable moments on the show. Here’s to another 25 years of Monday Night Raw.

According to F4W, Hart is reportedly back home in Calgary meeting with a specialist about his hand. The five-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion is looking to reverse the damage done during a previous wrist surgery in 2015 that left him without the use of his thumb and right index finger — a surgery that’s currently at the center of a million-dollar lawsuit against the doctor who performed it.