Jimmy Fallon Almost Definitely Gets Eaten By A Dinosaur In ‘Jurassic World’

Can you guys believe Jurassic World finally comes out next Friday? Whee! As such, Bryce Dallas Howard stopped by The Tonight Show last night to talk to Jimmy Fallon about the film, where she dropped a bombshell: Apparently, Fallon himself has a cameo in Jurassic World.

He joked around that his character “saves the day,” but we all know that’s not true because that’s obviously Chris Pratt’s job. So, what’s left? Dinosaur food! He’s not going to play flip cup or lip swap with them, that’s for damn sure.

Now I really want to see Jurassic World. No matter how good that movie is, if Jimmy Fallon doesn’t get eaten by a dinosaur, I swear to God I will demand a refund.

(Via The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)