Re-Enter ‘A World Of Pure Imagination’ With These ‘Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory’ Quotes

In 1971, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory introduced the world to the mastermind of a chocolate fantasyland where almost everything was edible – or eatable – except for the little orange men. Gene Wilder’s portrayal of Willy Wonka has taught generations the importance of maintaining a youthful outlook on life.

But while he was the king of all things sugary and sweet, Willy Wonka was also the master of sarcasm and sass. He often put brats (and their parents) in their place with charm and a Jigsaw-killer-level of ingenuity.

So let’s look at some of Willy Wonka’s best quotes to celebrate the fact that there was once a time when labor laws and health code violations weren’t that strictly enforced. Because, let’s be honest, the factory probably didn’t have much in the way of workplace safety precautions and how sure are we that the chocolate lake was really cleaned out after Augustus fell into it?

“Welcome my friends. Welcome to my chocolate factory.”

Willy Wonka’s introduction is unforgettable. As the crowd waits to get their eyes on the recluse, they see a man that can’t walk without the help of a cane. Then with his trademark charisma, Gene Wilder turns the tables. Wilder reportedly only accepted the role on the condition that he’d get to have this unpredictable opening scene.

“Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing?”

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory often showed us things we could only dream of. But the same goes for nightmares. Wonka’s rendition of “The Rowing Song” may be the only time he was creepier than Johnny Depp’s Wonka from 2005. These are the things that keep children (and some adults) awake at night.

“Help… Police… Murder.”

Willy Wonka’s golden ticket sweepstakes brought out some of the most spoiled children the world had to offer. They were mostly the result of parents that couldn’t say no. So it’s not surprising that Augustus Gloop just couldn’t help himself when he saw that river of chocolate. Wonka warned him, so he had all the right to not be concerned.

Note: It always seemed a bit odd that Augustus “fell” just as Wonka was right behind him. This play should be up for review.

“You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!”

Gene Wilder really brought the full range of emotions to the role of Willy Wonka. In this scene, he transitions from being the somewhat deranged charmer that viewers came to love to an angry and exhausted curmudgeon. Also, if you ever beat your friends in something and want to rub it in their faces, you can always send them this video.

“Pure Imagination”

When the families first walked into the chocolate factory, they understandably couldn’t believe their eyes. They could pluck two-foot-tall gummy bears right off of trees and jump rope with licorice. Wonka’s first lesson of the tour came in the form of this classic song.

“She was a bad egg.”

Two things come to mind with this scene. First, if it were truly this easy to spot a “bad egg,” the world would either be a lot more peaceful or nearly empty. Second, Mr. Salt didn’t have nearly as much urgency as you’d expect from a parent whose child just fell down a hole to nowhere.

“The suspense is terrible! I hope it’ll last.”

Not only was Wonka irritated that Augustus Gloop’s gluttony ruined an entire batch of chocolate, but he was amused by the outcome. A case could be made that he knew nothing seriously dangerous would happen all along, but it’s not difficult to imagine that he found a little entertainment in the possibility of the unknown.

“We have so much time and so little to see. Wait a minute! Strike that, reverse it. Thank you.”

With enough space for a field of sweets, an elevator that goes in every direction and rooms upon rooms of inventions, there’s never enough time to explore the entire Wonka factory. But Wonka was determined to give his guests the best tour possible.

“Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.”

So, Willy Wonka isn’t completely innocent after all. Having an unlimited supply of butterscotch (emphasis on the “scotch”) would also explain his erratic behavior.

“If the good lord intended us to walk, he never would’ve invented roller skates.”

This line could be a mantra for all of those with a creative side. Wonka believes that if things weren’t meant to evolve over time, they simply wouldn’t. The urge to invent and build on modern innovations is something that should be embraced.

“But Charlie, don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted… He lived happily ever after.”

Of all of the quirky head-scratch inducing lines Willy Wonka delivered, he saved the best for the end of the movie. Some feel that this means that Charlie deserved every bit of happiness owning the factory will give him. Others feel that it was a tongue in cheek statement meant to express that you should always keep dreaming for more.

Post originaly published on 6/13/2015